Monday, September 15, 2008

Teacher In-Service Day

It is NOT too early in the year for an in-service day. I know because in our school -- our HOME school -- I make the policies. And I needed one. Not only that, but my extra extraordinary husband took the day off so I could get some work done that was not conducted between the hours of 9pm and 1am. Taking full advantage of his offer I woke early, made breakfast for everyone, then headed out to our local coffee shop. I arrived at 9am, parked myself at an out of the way table, and got to work. By 3pm the muscles in my calves had tightened up and I had to pee pretty badly. BUT, I finished all the work I set out to do AND I didn't have to yell at the children to leave me alone once!

Life is good.

1 comment:

  1. Christine, you are BRILLIANT! I've got to try that here at our home school, too!
