Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Some learning resources

My house is quiet. I'm home alone in the middle of the day. This never happens. So while I have a few minutes to myself here is a quick and dirty post with a few things that I've been meaning to share.

I've discovered a wonderful blogger and if you are a homeschooling mama or just someone who needs a bit of a boost in the creativity department, you should check her out. Teach Mama is such a wealth of ideas and information geared towards helping the little people in your life with reading, writing and math skills -- and she manages to make it all fun.  The paint bags that I wrote about last time? I got the idea here. And I'm sure you'll see lots of other Teach Mama ideas in this space over the summer. 

In fact, yesterday as I was perusing her site for more ideas I followed a link to this site. I had been trying for some time to teach Oliver to use the mouse or the track pad and both of us had been largely frustrated. This simple Bubblewrap game did in 5 minutes what I had not been able to do. It was fun watching him master this skill and now I see lots of computer -based learning activities in our future. If I can ever get him away from the bubblewrap, that is.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the bubble wrap site!!!!! Thank you for sharing:)
