Friday, June 24, 2016

Never mind

Never mind that it's been raining buckets and the enormous pile of mulch I had delivered has moved in rivers through my yard like brown sludge. Never mind that I have a fantastically sour and sarcastic 11 year old masquerading as the boy I used to call Sami. Never mind that dark clouds of nationalism and xenophopia seem to be spreading, casting long, dark shadows that made JK Rowling tweet: I don't think I've ever wanted magic more. Me, too. Me, too. And maybe she's on to something. Maybe a bit of magical thinking, fingers in ears, la, la, la and a day (at least) of self-sanctioned media abstinence is called for.

Sometimes it all feels like just too much.

While I wait for the proverbial, metaphorical and actual clouds to part, here are some things that make me happy:

 Here's where you'll find me every morning, very early, my banjo on my lap, a tune in my head and coffee at my fingertips. I watch the sun come up, add rhythm to the birds tender morning songs and anchor myself for the day with a few minutes of solitude.

 I love this boy. All the things about him that make me crazy are the things that I will admire in him when he is an adult. This is the story I tell myself as I exhale deeply a dozen times a day.

 And this guy? He makes my heart sing.

Happy Friday, everyone!


  1. Hello there, I have been sent to your blog! :) I had to laugh when I read your reference to JK Rowling.... as I am off to buy her first Harry Potter book today. I am going to start reading it to my 17 year old asd son.

  2. Hello there, I have been sent to your blog! :) I had to laugh when I read your reference to JK Rowling.... as I am off to buy her first Harry Potter book today. I am going to start reading it to my 17 year old asd son.
