Friday, October 31, 2008


For the third year in a row we had picture perfect weather for Halloween. What a drag it is when the weather actually acts like late October and requires the kids to negotiate their costumes and a coat! But tonight was not a night like that and what fun it was to navigate the sidewalks on our street among all the costumed kids. Sami and Oliver were literally bouncing from house to house and at each door Oliver either said: "Trick or Treat"; "Knock Knock"; or "Turn it off!" (this last, I think, because of his desire to pull a phrase from his memory beginning with the T sound :-) The kids were so excited about Halloween this year that we ended up stopping at far more houses than we ever have managed before. In fact, I was marvelling to myself how different this year was from my last vivid memory of the halloween that came soon after Oliver's diagnosis. I was sure then that we would never enjoy halloween together as a family in the same way that I had enjoyed it as a kid. Tonight I felt much differently. Oliver tolerated a costume this year and even seemed to enjoy it!! That is definitely a first.

After trick or treating, we handed out candy for awhile then made our way to a community party -- think bonfires, pinatas, pumpkin carving and hot chicken soup for all! The best part though was the music. As soon as we arrived, Oliver stationed himself in front of the musicians with rapt attention and huge smiles. I wish I had gotten a picture.

Here are some of the pictures I DID manage to take!

Sami, examining his loot!

Oliver, pretending that he is just checking out the nose on this guy before he gets down to business blowing out the candle!
Oliver, all costumed up and ready to go!!

We've been carving pumpkins here for more than a week. Every few nights we'd try a new one. Lots of scary stories were told on these steps in the evenings as we huddled under blankets and watched the candles flicker.

Happy Halloween, everyone!!


  1. Wearing a costume! Excellent.

    Superb pumpkins. I'm afraid our first lot rotted right through [started to early in the balmy Californian weather]

    What a difference a bit of time and perspective can bring.
    Best wishes

  2. So glad it was a nice evening for you guys. Alas, we're still sort of where you left off with the *other* post you linked to. *sigh*

  3. I love your pumpkins! And I'm so glad you had a great Halloween. I was following my kids around last night with a smile that eventually left me with sore cheeks. I too remember Halloweens past when I tried so hard to fight back the tears and hide my disappointment while holding a scared and desperate India on my hip and trying to make the occasion a somewhat enjoyable one for Isaac. We've ALL healed quite a bit over the years, haven't we? :-)


  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    What great pictures! It was a gorgeous, unseasonably warm night, wasn't it?

  5. Some of my very favorite kids were Spiderman this year! Sami, Tommy, Andrew...

    Good job Oliver! You know, Halloween is so bizarre, it's really not suprising that it takes some kids (autistic or not) a few years to wrap their minds around the idea.
